LAG Kostenets 2010 produced short advertising film about the territory of Kostenets municipality, showing its natural, historical and cultural recourses and its potential for developmet of tourism, agriculture and business.
You can watch the movie here:
The activities of LAG Kostenets 2010 include publishing invitations for submitting project proposals financed by the Local Development Strategy funds, evaluation of the submitted projects and presenting the projects approved by LAG to State Fund Agriculture-Paying Agency for approval and contracting. To do this LAG Kostenets organizes information days and consultations to inform the potential beneficiaries with the requirements, referring to the eligibility of applicants, activities and expenses, with the documents required and project implementation. In addition to these activities LAG Kostenets organizes a lot of events for local community representatives for skill development and increasing awareness and activities: trainings, seminars, study tours for local leaders to LAGs in EC member states for an exchange of know-how and good practices in Local Strategy Management, etc.
In total in the period 2012 – 2014: LAG Kostenets 2010 organised 25 days of information and consultation services, which were attended by 307 people. In LAG office have been consulted 97 people individually on project proposals.
In the period from signing the contract between the Ministry of Agriculture and Food till the end of 2014 8 meetings of the NGO's General Assembly were held, in which LAG members were informed about the activities of the Management Board and team and have taken decisions concerning the implementation of the Strategy for local development.
On 22nd and 23th November 2014 took place a training of students (high school) to formulate, develop and implement small project ideas for the development of the local territory. The training was attended by 12 students. They developed project ideas for environmental protection, cultural heritage preservation and promotion of traditional local dishes.
In the period 27-31st of October 2014 seven representatives of LAG Kostenets 2010 and local entrepreneurs took part in a study tour in Hungary where they visited LAG Galga - mente és Térsége Leader Egyesület. The big number of meetings and visits organized with the support of the Hungarian LAG allowed to share know-how and good practices in the management of LAG financed projects. The study tour was extremely interesting and useful for the members of the Bulgarian group.
Workshop for "LAG Kostenets 2010" and potential beneficiaries of the theme: "The new Programme for Rural Development 2014-2020"
In the period 11-13 December 2014 two representatives of LAG dell'Antico Frignano e dell'Appennino Reggiano - Mr. Luciano Correggi and Mr. Nerino Gallerani will visit Kostenets for a three-day training for the implementation of local development strategies and work with the local community.
There will be organised till the end of 2014 two group consultations for local entrepreneurs and organizations, who discussed the problems in the sectors, measures to overcome them and funding opportunities, advices for beekeepers and advices on tourism and related services.
On 27-28 November 2014 will be held a two-day training to increase public activity and business initiative of local leaders.
From 25th to 29th November 2013 8 people of LAG team,managing bodies, beneficiaries and local leaders attended the study visit for exchange of experiences in Emilia - Romagna, northern Italy. They met with representatives of LAG dell'Antico Frignano e dell'Appennino Reggiano (LAG Modena), representatives of the Municipality of Bologna and Pavuglio and visited project sites financed by LEADER funds. They were acquainted with the methods applied by LAG in support of the young producers of cheese of designated origin "Parmigiano Regiano", organic production of blueberry products, rural tourism, good practices in the cooperation of producers and promotion of local tourist products
28 local leaders participated in a training for "Execution and reporting of projects by beneficiaries of the Rural development Programme 2007-2013, held on 21 December 2013.
For the period June 2012 till the end of 2014 took place 14 trainings of the team and of fhe Managing Board of LAG for organizational development and management of the NGO and implementation of local development strategy to attract public support.
There was one team training on 27 and 28 December 2013 for the implementation and reporting of LAG , monitoring and control of project implementation.
On 27 and 28 November 2012 took place a seminar for 60 participants for awareness of potential beneficiaries of the measures, under which may be submitted projects to LAG Kostenets 2010 - eligible applicants, activities, costs, filling in application forms.
Executive director
+359 884 524 177
Chairman of the board - Aneta Kirova
+359 886 040 495
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Borovets street N°13
Kostenets 2030