Local Action Group Kostenets 2010

Who we are

"Local Action Group Kostenets 2010" is a non-profit organization established in 2010 under a project implemented by the Municipality of Kostenets and with the financial support of the Rural Development Programme / RDP / 2007 – 2013.

Within this project a strategy for local development for the period 2011-2015 has been developed, that includes priorities and measures to achieve them. On 13th of June 2012 a contract between the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, State Fund "Agriculture" - Paying Agency /PA/ and "Local Action Group Kostenets 2010" was signed. The contact amounts to 3 410 077.50 BGN financial support for the implementation of the local strategy.

Of these funds 2 728 062.00 BGN are for financing approved projects of beneficiaries. In 2012-2014 LAG organized six calls for proposals, which led to the acceptance and approval of projects worth 2,450,716 BGN. The total amount of the subsidy on the contracts at the end of December 2014 is 2,351,425 BGN.
Two more contracts for financial subsidies are to be signed in 2015. LAG Kostenets 2010 has reviewed, evaluated and approved the submitted projects, consults the beneficiaries, organises training and supports the applicants in the preparation and implementation of projects.
For increasing the awareness and local public activity, LAG carries out communication activities, prepares analyses for the development of the territory, organizes study visits for exchanging of experience and good practice with LAGs in EU member states.


Starting the new programme period 2014 – 2020 LAG Kostenets 2010 is meeting new opportunities and challenges related to the development and implementation of a Strategy for Community-led local development. In September 2015 LAG Kostenets 2010 applied for the implementation of sub-measure 19.1 „Support for preparatory activities” of measure 19 „Community-led rural development“ of the Rural development programme 2014 – 2020. The NGO was approved to apply the sub-measure and signed  a contract № RD 50 – 153 of 7th December 2015  with the Ministry of agriculture and food and State Fund Agriculture – Paying Agency (SFA-PA) for a financial subsidy of 48 745,75 BGN. The deadline for contract implementation is 7th June 2016.




Executive director

+359 884 524 177 

Chairman of the board - Aneta Kirova

+359 886 040 495


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Borovets street N°13

Kostenets 2030



Latest News

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