Local Action Group Kostenets 2010


PROJECTS APPROVED BY THE "Local Action Group Kostenets 2010" in compliance with the Strategy for local development 2007 – 2013


226: Restoring forestry potential and introducing preventive actions


1. Beneficiary: Municipality of Kostenets
Name of the project: " Purchase of equipment of fire depots to improve preventive actions to reduce the risk of forest fires on the territory of municipal forests Kostenets"
Cost of the project: 17 537,40 BGN
Approved subsidy: 17 537,40 BGN
Description of activities: purchase of equipment for four fire depots to improve preventive activities and reduce the risk of forest fires in the municipal forests of Kostenets

2. Beneficiary: Angel Vasilev Mladenov
Name of the project: "Restoring forestry potential and introducing prevention actions for forests owned by Angel Mladenov "
Cost of the project: 32 697,89 BGN
Approved subsidy: 32 697,89 BGN
Description of activities: purchase of equipment for fire depot on the territory of village Pchelin, restoration activities - cleaning areas in forests damaged by windthrow and reforestation of deciduous plantings of 2.68 hectares in the village of Ochusha.

3. Beneficiary: Vasil Angelov Mladenov
Name of the project: Restoration and preventive actions in forests owned by Vasil Mladenov
Cost of the project: 30 197,08 BGN
Approved subsidy: 30 197,08 BGN
Description of activities: purchase of equipment for fire depot to reduce the danger of forest fires, cleaning the damages of natural disasters and their forest reforestation.


311: Diversification into non-agricultural activities:


4. Beneficiary: ET /sole trader/ "Impulse-Tihomir Nikolov"

Name of the project: "Car repair service - Tihomir"
Cost of the project: 244 429,65 BGN
Approved subsidy: 171 100,75 BGN
Description of activities: Construction of a building for autoservice of 348 m2 in the town of Kostenets and furnish it with modern equipment for diagnostics, repair, servicing, cleaning and maintenance of vehicles and motorcycles.

5. Beneficiary: ET "Anastasia Kaytazova"
Name of the project: "Purchase of specialized construction equipment"
Cost of the project: 325 767,04 BGN
Approved subsidy: 228 036,93 BGN
Description of activities: delivery of multifunctional excavator loader and dump truck, biaxial for excavation, clearing, filling and leveling of land, demolition of old buildings, demolition of concrete and asphalt, snow removal, transportation of construction materials and disposal of construction waste


312: Support for the creation and development of micro-enterprises:


6. Beneficiary: ET "Rum Mash - Rumen Momtchilov"
Name of the project: "Buying a lathe with digital program management and equipment for machining workshop of metal processing in the village of Kostenets"
Cost of the project: 175 721,87 BGN
Approved subsidy: 123 005,31 BGN
Description of activities: Buying a lathe with digital program management and equipment for metal processing

7. Beneficiary: "Belfort" Ltd.
Name of the project: "Improvement of the equipment and creation and development of new tourist services in tourist complex "Belfort" in the village of Pchelin "
Cost of the project: 47 646,66 BGN
Approved subsidy: 33 352,66 BGN
Description of activities: purchase of furniture and equipment for the villa "Nirvana" and villa "Veska" in the village of Pchelin: jacuzzi, shelter, wooden furniture, bicycles, kitchen equipment and furniture.

8. Beneficiary: ET "Katika - Katerina Gondova"
Name of the project: Reorganization and reconstruction of the building (second and attic floor) of the guest house in the town of Momin Prohod, Kostenets municipality, Sofia district
Cost of the project: 91 850,36 BGN
Approved subsidy: 64 295,25 BGN
Description of activities: Reorganization, reconstruction and furnishing of the second and attic floor of a residential building in the town of Momin prohod in a guesthouse with 14 accommodation places (beds).

9. Beneficiary: ET "The Captain - Ivan Vassilev"
Name of the project: Reconstruction and refurbishment of an existing building to house for guests accommodation for the development of integrated rural tourism in the village of Kostenets, Municipality Kostenets, District Sofia
Cost of the project: 254 079,65 BGN
Approved subsidy: 177 855,76 BGN
Description of activities: reconstruction of an existing building into a guest house with 16 accommodation places, including extension of new part of the building and buying a car.

10. Beneficiary: "Getty" Ltd.
Name of the project: Implementation of innovative IT solutions for accounting and auditing activities, tax consultancy and buying professional copier for photocopying
Cost of the project: 17 248,48 BGN
Approved subsidy: 12 073,94 BGN
Description of activities: purchase of office and computer equipment and software to improve the company's activity


321: Basic services for the population and the economy in the rural areas:


11. Beneficiary: Municipality Kostenets
Name of the project: Reconstruction of the bridge over the river Chavcha in the village of Kostenets, Municipality of Kostenets
Cost of the project: 281 244,82 BGN
Approved subsidy: 281 244,82 BGN
Description of activities: repair and reconstruction of the bridge by making a new roadway, waterproofing, installation of new steel railings, new sidewalks, curbs, manholes, drains, new asphalt pavement markings to widen the bridge by providing two lanes and widening sidewalks for pedestrians the bridge

12. Beneficiary: Municipality Kostenets
Name of the project: Modernization and equipment of Cultural Centers "Geo Milev - 1954" and "Progress 1907" in the municipality Kostenets
Cost of the project: 171 114,45 BGN
Approved subsidy: 171 114,45 BGN
Description of activities: in the cultural center "Geo Milev 1954" in Momin Prohod "- supply and installation of the sound system with mixing desk, amplifiers and equipment to them, supply and installation of computer equipment, printer, scanner and copy machines, machine for dry and wet cleaning flooring and replace the carpet in the great hall of the library, in the cultural center "Progress 1907" in Kostenets - supply and installation of stage machinery - movie screen, lighting equipment, installation of construction for stage equipment and stage curtains

13. Beneficiary: Municipality Kostenets
Name of the project: Reconstruction of indoor plumbing of the street "Stara Planina" in the city of Momin Prohod, Municipality of Kostenets
Cost of the project: 218 634,08 BGN
Approved subsidy: 218 634,08 BGN
Description of activities: excavation, trench, pipe laying, installation of fittings and backfilling of construction sites

14. Beneficiary: Municipality Kostenets
Name of the project: Improvement of the facilities for the Home Social Patronage by buying a car servicing users in the municipality of Kostenets
Cost of the project: 24 000,00 BGN
Approved subsidy: 24 000,00 BGN
Description of activities: purchase of specialized vehicle for the social patronage in Kostenets municipality for food distribution to consumers in different settelments

15. Beneficiary: Municipality Kostenets
Name of the project: Reconstruction of indoor plumbing on the street "Rila" in the city Kostenets, Municipality of Kostenets
Cost of the project: 87 216,55 BGN
Approved subsidy: 87 216,55 BGN
Description of activities: reconstruction of the street water plumbing - 548 m. and replacement of existing service pipes


322: Village renewal and development:


16. Beneficiary: Municipality Kostenets
Name of the project: "Reconstruction of road pavements of Maritsa street in the town of Kostenets"
Cost of the project: 271 751,93 BGN
Approved subsidy: 271 751,93 BGN
Description of activities: replacement of pavement, sidewalks, installing railings, road signs and lane markings on the roadway

17. Beneficiary: Municipality Kostenets
Name of the project: Reconstruction of streets "Luna", "Topola", "Kitka", "Arda" and "Murgash" in Kostenets Municipality "
Cost of the project: 362 407,34 BGN
Approved subsidy: 362 407,34 BGN
Description of activities: On the streets "Murgash", "Arda" and "Luna" - earth works, asphalt and road works; on the streets "Topola" and "Kitka" – above mentioned works, will be implemented also concrete works. Expected results: reconstructed road pavements - 4722 m2, pedestrian sidewalk - 2260 m2 .; laid horizontal marking - 291 m2 and installed 44 new road signs

18. Beneficiary: board of Trustees of the Church " St. George"
Name of the project: Major renovation of the church "St. George" – town of Kostenets
Cost of the project: 89 477,46 BGN
Approved subsidy: 89 477,46 BGN
Description of activities: repair of wooden roof structure and the wooden siding, waterproofing and laying new tiles, replacement of gutters, gutters, window frames, patching of plastering, complete exterior painting, interior painting complete refreshment of paneling, flooring replacement of stairs and landings

19. Beneficiary: Municipality Kostenets
Name of the project: Reconstruction and rehabilitation of the street "Zdravets" - village of Kostenetz and rehabilitation of the open space to it.
Cost of the project: 54 716,51 BGN
Approved subsidy: 54 716,51 BGN
Description of activities: reconstruction, asphalt paving, construction of sidewalks and concrete curbs of 129 linear meters of the street "Zdravets" in Kostenec and the square space thereto; drainage and application of marks


Executive director

+359 884 524 177 

Chairman of the board - Aneta Kirova

+359 886 040 495


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Borovets street N°13

Kostenets 2030



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