By decision of the Managing Authority of the Operational program „Human Resources Development“ of April 26, 2018, the evaluation report of the LAG Kostenets 2010 was approved, which ranked and proposed for funding the submitted eight project proposals under procedure BG05M9OP001-1.027 LAG Kostenets 2010 - "Good and safe labour conditions".
The approved total amount of the grant for all projects is BGN 585,944.37.
After the implementation of the projects it is expected the labour conditions of more than 90 persons employed by Kostenets municipality to be improved through the implementation of various measures: provision of means of collective protection, personal protective equipment, social benefits, transportation from and to the workplace, etc.
LAG Kostenets 2010 announced 2 selection procedures at the end of 2017:
Call for proposal № BG05M9OP001-1.027 LAG Kostenets 2010 - "Good and safe labour conditions", the implementation of which aims at improving the working environment in micro, small, medium and large enterprises by ensuring good and safe labour conditions, effective and flexible forms of work organization and human resource management, promoting the geographical mobility of the workforce. The grant procedure is implemented with the financial support of the European Social Fund through the contribution of the Operational Program "Human Resources Development" for the CLLD approach and has three application deadlines: 17:00 on 31.01.2018; 17:00 on 31.05.2018 and 16.11.2018;
Call for proposal № BG16RFOP002-2.014 LAG Kostenets 2010 - "Improving Production Capacity in SMEs". The grant procedure is implemented with the financial support of the European Regional Development Fund through the contribution of the Operational Program "Innovation and Competitiveness" for the CLLD approach and has two application deadlines: 17:00 on 16.02.2018 and 17:00 on 31.05.2018. The measure aims to improve production processes, add new features or improve existing products and services, diversify the range of products and services to enterprises, and/ or introducing new technologies to improve resource efficiency and efficiency in the production process. Eligible applicants are small and medium-sized enterprises with headquarters in Kostenets municipality.
The project proposals for the first time can be submitted only electronically using the Information System for Management and Monitoring of EU FUNDS in Bulgaria 2020.
On 29.11.2016, the Chairman of the Management Board of LAG Kostenets 2010, Aneta Kirova, signed an Agreement on the Implementation of a Community-led Local Development Strategy No RD 50 - 187 / 29.11.2016 under measure 19 "Community-led Local Development "Of the 2014-2020 Rural Development Program supported by the EAFRD
The CLLD strategy is worth BGN 3 390 023 and receives support from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development, the European Social Fund and the European Regional Development Fund. The budget for implementation of projects on the territory of Kostenets municipality covers 3 programs - Rural Development Program - BGN 1 955 830, Operational Program „Human Resources Development“ - BGN 586 749 and Operational Program „Innovation and Competitiveness“ - 195 583 BGN.
In connection with the preparation of a Community-led Local Development Strategy, the LAG held several events, aimed at consulting the opinion of the local community about it.
Read more: Community-led Local Development Strategy 2016 - 2020
The team of LAG Kostenets 2010, the coordinators of the implementation of contract № RD 50 – 153 of 07.12.2015, the members of the Managing Board and the Supervisory Board and the members of the General Assembly of the NGO attended two trainings - one on topic “CLLD strategy under the Rural Development programme 2014-2020” and one on “Opportunities for getting financial subsidy under the Operational programmes of the EC”
More than 20 people – representatives of the local authorities, NGOs, business, service sector, farmers and forest owners attending the two-days training of local leaders “Opportunities for the public and the private sectors to get EU financing for projects in the period 2014 – 2020 ”, which took place in the period 19-20th March 2016.
The three trainings with lecturers Ivailo Assenov and Tatiana Rulko were organised and carried out by “CINO-TIM-8” Ltd company within a contract signed with LAG Kostenets 2010.